Friday, April 15, 2011

Six Months

April 1st was six month anniversary since Laurence passed. I think I expected something different to happen or a new revelation. I guess the revelation is that I still miss him terribly. Sometimes I have this feeling of shock when I realize that he's not here, and that he's not coming home.

I've learned volumes about myself. Mostly that I'm stronger than I ever thought I was. I'm learning to have patience with my forgetfulness, sadness, lack of motivation.

I'm learning to love myself. It seemed easier when Laurence was around to love me and encourage me.

I'm grateful for wisdom and understanding. And faith.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Christine,
    I can only imagine how you miss Laurence. Six months seems a long time, but is only a blink of an eye when we miss our loved ones. I'm sure Laurence is very close, surrounding you with his everlasting love and asking your Angels to encourage you and also console you when needed. Know that your Angels love you and comfort you with infinite love and peace.
    Always praying for you!
    Love and Light, Linda
