Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I finally admitted that I'm operating at 50% capacity. Loss of my beloved, sinus infection, lack of sleep, grief. Maybe it's more like 40%.

Once I admitted it to myself I felt freedom. I could forgive myself for forgetting appointments and missing my friends' birthdays. I could give myself a break when I don't accomplish all that I set out to do, am too tired to exercise, forget to pay a bill. I am hoping my friends will forgive me for not returning phone calls and emails.

I am giving myself a break.

I know God still loves me.


  1. this friend will always be by your side & forgive anything...isnt that what friendship is all about ??? your strength & courage inspire me, thanks for sharing your inner most feelings my friend <3

  2. i know god loves you, and i love you too. wishing you peace, janet
